Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trailer, Part Deux

Alas, the used trailer deal fell apart. Turns out it was just 6' wide. That was depressing but perhaps worked out for the best. We put a deposit down on a brand new one with a 4" dropped axle and a tongue extension to better accommodate the little bump out we are planning for the front. In 2-3 weeks she'll be in the driveway!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Trailer

Oh man, I think we've found our trailer! The first one anyhow. I haven't seen it in person yet but it appears to be and sounds to be in great shape for a great price. This is exciting. We could be framing very soon!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Family Cabin

And here is the family cabin. 10'x20' with attic trusses housing the main kitchen, dining and living room.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Our House

So this is the main house, (Mom & Dad's)

And for the more discriminating viewers among you, the REAL trailer will be tandem axle with NO beaver tail ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A kitchen sink

Last week we found a sink for the main cabin (our cabin) and a sink for one of the kid's cabins. This week we found one for the family cabin! 17 bucks, you can't beat that! I scrubbed it out this morning and it cleaned up pretty nicely. Even though these are just little pieces, it's exciting having it come together and see things get crossed off our list. Especially so when it comes with huge savings. Little by little, we will get there.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sleepless Nights

So last night, we redesigned the 3 person cabin to near perfection I think. I had a few reservations before, a little of this or that I wasn't quite satisfied with. We just need to convince the children that 3 to a cabin IS acceptable. One of my daughters was near tears last time we talked about it, She's convinced 2 per cabin is maximum occupancy. I'm convinced we can save tens of thousands of dollars...

All of this was quite exciting, but yielded an absolutely restless night. Must remember,.... NO designing before bed!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Found Treasures

We found two kitchen sinks yesterday at the Habitat Re-Store! That was exciting. Out very first material purchase. First the sink, then build the house around it. We also saw the range we are after at Costco for a great price, but we are a little strapped at the moment.
We taped out our floor plan for the tinyhouse on the living room floor last night too. It only used about one third of our living room! Surprisingly, it felt more spacious than imagined, like "ya, this actually WILL work." This is a good exercise that I would recommend. It helped us make a few tweaks for the better.
This is actually our old floor plan (10x20) but it gives a better idea perhaps of what's taped on the floor. It's based on this but reduced to 8x20 to fit on a trailer. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Letting go of STUFF

Getting my old Marshall amp ready for sale. A guy is coming to look at it tomorrow and he will buy it. I hope he gets the same enjoyment from it I did. I've had this thing for 20 years. When I bought it I was sure, I was positive, that my path was music and stardom. We are talkin’ rockstar baby. But then came love, marriage, children and the rockstar lifestyle lost it’s appeal or perhaps just feasibility. As much as I love playing this thing, I haven't done so in years! It's still hard to let it go. Part of it is the money (taking a loss) and part of it is sentimental. Either way, this is happening and the greater yearning is for simplicity, freedom and to live in a tinyhouse of my design built with these two hands.